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martes, 20 de julio de 2021




Christopher Columbus is credited with the discovery of Columbia. Columbia was under the Spain ruler since 1500. In 1549, Audiencia in Santa Fe de Bogotá gave capital status to New Granada, which is now a part of Columbia. On July 20, 1810, the citizens of Bogotá formed the first representative concil to withstand Spanish authority, and achieved full independence in 1810. The struggle for independence in Columbia received an impetus led by great freedom fighters Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Paula Santander in New Granada which resulted in the Battle of Boyacá, on August 7, 1819. Bolívar was subsequently elected as the first president of Greater Columbia and Francisco de Paula Santander, as its vice president.
Today Independence day is annually celebrated, with a Patriotic parade, musical Program and hoisting flag.

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